does anybody know what this is?


New Member
its right above the snail, and so far i have counted 3 of them, they are clear, and they move like a snail on the glass, are they bad or good?


Active Member
Flat worm....Not a problem just a couple. But can be a very bad problem if the population gets very large. Most would tell you not to worry about a few. They can wreck a tank, but some fish will eat them....


Looks like a flatworm to me. Some are harmless and others are not. I have some too, the ones in my tank are tan in color and have never caused a problem that I know of. Search the forum or web for flaworm and see what you come up with. Remember, wash your hands before and after you put them in the tank.
Let us know what you find out about flatworms.
flat worms can b dangerous... flat worms like to multiply they r annoying because they love to hang around your coral if enough r on the coral it keeps the coral from opening up right. u can get something called "flatworm exit" u must have carbon ready and a 20% water change on hand when dosing for flatworms. i did my tank 2 times they r hard to get rid of, some fishes like 6lines and other wrasses love them and will eat them but its rare sometimes that they will attack and eat them all. when dosing with flatworm exit you must keep in mind to catch every single one u can with a fishnet because if left in your tank they release toxins thats the carbon helps prevent also. hope this helps lol


Active Member
I have never seen those. very interesting.
welcome to the forums!! I just got my first 6 gal. too.
What do you plan on keeping in it? I just started adding coral from my 12 gal. and I just put in a little fish.


Great picture.

Try doing a search in the hitchhiker forum and type in flatworm.
There is about a days worth of reading on them.

So far its about 50-50 on if they are good or bad.
From what I read about fish that eat them, they are to big for your nano or needs an established tank.

If your worried about them, bring them over and we will feed them to Mandy!


New Member
I just started it about a month ago, I have some hermit crabs,,peppermint shrimp,and some snails.I had a yellow clown goby,and a firefish goby,but they didnt make it?Im going to get a clown fish this weekend and try again,I think the tank wasnt ready yet.
Save your money on "flatworm eating fish". It's a 50/50 shot on getting one that will eat them. There's no way they can eat them all. I was told for every one you see, there is 10 more in the sand and rocks that you don't see. I have the red planaria flatworms. I had a 6 line that didn't even look at them, and I bought a Springer's dottyback that I was told would work. Same problem, worms still there.
I don't like the idea of nuking my tank with FE to get rid of these, But I think it's the only way left to do it. They are not a major problem yet, but I don't want it to become one either.