Does anyone breed fish?


My husband wants to start breeding some banded cardnel fish, I would perfer to breed tangs. Anyone have any experience in this?


Ask Bang Guy! He breeds Banggai cardinals and clownfish. Tangs are almost impossibe to breed in captivity so you might want to try clowns or cardinals.


I don't think I've ever heard of anyone having success with breeding tangs?!
Banggais or percs yes but... tangs... :confused:
Good luck whatever you decide!! :)


the most common saltwater fish bred in captivity are
clownfish (perc and osc are the easist)
banggai cardinal
Dottyback (psuedochromis sp)
gobies (neon, clown)


Well-Known Member
do mollies count? :D
Breading most saltwater egg layers is extremely difficult. The reason is that the newly hatched fry need darn near microscopic live food and plenty of it. clowns and others can eat rotifers but even baby brine shrimp are too big for the small fry.
there was a report of breeding flame angels but that was with some local (in hawaii) pod like stuff they cultured as food.
That is about all I have read on the subject. Bang has done an excellent job with his little nemo series.
Personally I have had fish spawn but no sucess in getting the larva to live more than a week or so. I also did not have rotifers or make a huge effort to be sucessful. Seems to be really really difficult.