Does anyone have a big FO tank?


Active Member
I have a 210 Gallon bow front that I just set up,so far so good,250lbs of live rock fiji,150lbs of live sand, green carpet anemone, leather coral, some blue damsels,yellow tang,percula clowns,sand sifter starfish ,pencil sea urchins,any sugestions on what to add next?


Active Member
Ok my setup is now 16 days old, all is well ,water all good, fish all good, not to sound dumb What is DSB? ,


DSB = deep san bed there are lots of criters in live sand and a sand sifting starfish will eat those all up and in no time you will have a dead sand bed, only 16 days old u are lucky i didn't find out till 6 months after i out my star fish in there IMO i would get him out while u still have life let in the sand bed


New Member
I had:
2 - 10" Lionfish
1 - 8" Minatis Grouper
1 - 8" Blue Spot Grouper
1 - 16" Black Saddled Leopard Grouper (Vampire Grouper)
1 - 5" Procepine Puffer
I got rid of them on Saturday. I was tired of messy fish and alge problems. Also, bigger fish seem to not move a whole lot which kind of makes for a boring tank.
The final straw was 4 weeks ago I bought a 12" leopard shark, dropped him in the tank and the BLack Saddled Leopard Grouper ater him. Before I could make the grouper let go of him, it was to late. He had him 75% of the way down and he wasn't letting go.
Here is a pic yesterday before I removed the fish. The tank is nasty (I had removed the rock trying to keep the grouper from eating the shark and gave up on alge since then). It didn't always look this bad. I just wanted pictures for memories...
My old 300 gallon agressive - Again, the tank isn't normally this bad...
I am in the process of adding more lr and changing to RO water...
i was thinking more of a tank that contains no LR, just fish only. I've seen few in LFS and they just looked AWESOME. Especially with blue lightings :D :D


New Member
The grouper was about 16" long. I would of never thought a 16" fish could swallow a 12" fish whole, but I watched it happened.
Here is a picture of him and one of the lions...
Grouper and Lion