Does anyone have a helmet cowfish?


New Member
Actually yes I do!!! I am interested in purchasing one from the LFS and I was told many things about them and wanted to know if what I have read and heard are true.
1.)Exactly how delicate is this fish?

I would like to place him with: 2 percula clowns, 1 white sandsifting goby, 1 pajama cardinal, and 1 threadfin butterflyfish or other butterflyfish.
2.) Have you experienced the "poisoning of the tank"? If so, does everything need to be changed including my live sand and live rock? Is the toxin poisonous to us?


They aren't that delicate; water quality wise, they can tolerate moderate amounts of nitrates.
Those tankmates you listed sound like fine tankmates. Fish in the box/cowfish family need peaceful tankmates, and those fish you listed aren't known chasers, nippers, etc., so I think you'll be good there.
I have personally never experienced the tank poisoning, and have read that in the species you have, this is particularly rare. This most often happens from the longhorn cowfish. If you run sufficient amounts of carbon, this may go unnoticed completely.
If a poisoning would happen, you would need to run carbon to remove it from the water, and maybe do a few water changes. I do not believe that this toxin has any ill effects on humans, although I wouldn't advise sticking your head in the tank for a drink of water, obviously.

Lastly, I'd read through this website for further information, it's very good:
I hope I was of some help to you!


Well they'll pick at shrimp and just about any other moving invertabrae, I've only ever kept mine in a FOWLR. They also produce a fair amount of waste.


I have one and have two clown fish with it. I have not had any problems with him at all. They are neat to watch. Dont know if it;s a fact about them or not but I have to watch and make sure mine get food the clowns tend to eat alot faster than he does