Does anyone have a Horn Shark??

I was thinking about getting a horn shark and was wondering if anyone on here has one? Where did you get it from????? how much did it cost?


Active Member
Usually $200 and up, and as Niger said these fish need really large tanks, I would say minimum 8 feet long and 30 inch wide.
You think that I was going to put in my 90?? lol
although I know there is some people here that would try to squeeze one in there,
No I am getting a larger tank, my LFS recommended a 125 to 180 for the horn shark
all of my litereature also concures with a 125 being the minimum size tank,
most likely I am going to go with a coral cat, but the horn shark is my fav. so I wanted to find out more about these guys


Active Member
Contact 'robn' he has one...
BTW, a hork shark will make a 400gal look small.
I also disagree with whatever litereature you have, wouldn't do a Coral Cat in less then a 24" deep tank (180gal or 240gal with preference to something larger). Since hatchings are almost never available for Coral Cats, they almost always come in as adults and already too large for a 125gal.


Active Member
Originally Posted by AquaKnight http:///forum/post/2843607
Contact 'robn' he has one...
BTW, a hork shark will make a 400gal look small.
I also disagree with whatever litereature you have, wouldn't do a Coral Cat in less then a 24" deep tank (180gal or 240gal with preference to something larger). Since hatchings are almost never available for Coral Cats, they almost always come in as adults and already too large for a 125gal.
I had forgotten about that thread, what a great tank....except for the ugly Batfish


Horn Sharks are cool sharks. They tend to be more active than bamboos & eppies, and have a prehistoric look to them.
While a Juvenile Horn Shark may be able to be kept in a 180-240 gallon tank for a little while. A single Adult requires a tank(or preferably a pond) of more than 600 gallons. Remember they can average 36-40" long and tend to be a bit stockier than a typical Bamboo shark of similar size.