Does anyone have any information about this fish?


First - this is not my photograph - this is someone else's tank on another forum. I and my husband fell in love with the looks of this fish. Apparently it is a vlamingii tang. Does anyone have any information about it? Do you know where I could get one?


What I know is they get big, about 24 in. and needs a few thousand gallons when an adult to be healthy.


Active Member
The Naso vlamingi or Vlamingi Tang is one of the largest of the Surgeonfish/Tang family. As a juvenile this fishes coloration is less striking than many of it's relatives but will grow to have beautiful metallic blue highlights on an olive gray background. Though it prefers to school with other Vlamingi as juveniles. As an adult it may fight with other Vlamingi tangs but is usually peaceful with most other tangs. Well known for their voracious appetitite for algae, the Vlamingi tang can grow up to 24 inches and should be housed in a tank of 250 gallons or more. This fish will arrive to you with juvenile coloration and no hump on the head as the adults have.


Vlamingii Tang - Naso vlamingi
Maximum Size: the Naso vlamingi grows up to 24 inches.
General Size Specifications: The small size will come to you generally 1 to 2 inches; the medium generally 3 to 4 inches; the large generally 5 to 6 inches.
Minimum Tank Size: The Vlamingii Tang prefers a tank of at least 150 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim.
Diet: The Naso vlamingi is a herbivore and likes to eat Dried Seaweed (best), marine algae, mysid shrimp, Spirulina, Romaine Lettuce (blanched) , fresh seaweed, and other meaty treats.
Level of Care: The Vlamingii Tang is a medium maintenance fish.
Behavior: The Vlamingii Tang may act peacefully toward other fish.
Hardiness: This is a hardy fish.
Water Conditions: Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
Range: Oceania.
General Notes: The Naso vlamingi or Vlamingi Tang is one of the largest of the Surgeonfish/Tng family. As a juvenile this fishes coloration is less striking than many of it's relatives but will grow to have beautiful metallic blue highlights on an olive gray background. Though it prefers to school with other Vlamingi as juveniles. As an adult it may fight with other Vlamingi tangs but is usually peaceful with most other tangs. Well known for their voracious appetitite for algae, the Vlamingi tang can grow up to 24 inches and should be housed in a tank of 250 gallons or more. This fish will arrive to you with juvenile coloration and no hump on the head as the adults have.


Originally Posted by pieceman2
Vlamingii Tang - Naso vlamingi
Maximum Size: the Naso vlamingi grows up to 24 inches.
General Size Specifications: The small size will come to you generally 1 to 2 inches; the medium generally 3 to 4 inches; the large generally 5 to 6 inches.
Minimum Tank Size: The Vlamingii Tang prefers a tank of at least 150 gallons with plenty of places to hide & swim.
Diet: The Naso vlamingi is a herbivore and likes to eat Dried Seaweed (best), marine algae, mysid shrimp, Spirulina, Romaine Lettuce (blanched) , fresh seaweed, and other meaty treats.
Level of Care: The Vlamingii Tang is a medium maintenance fish.
Behavior: The Vlamingii Tang may act peacefully toward other fish.
Hardiness: This is a hardy fish.
Water Conditions: Keep water quality high (SG 1.020 - 1.025, pH 8.1 - 8.4, Temp. 72 - 78° F).
Range: Oceania.
General Notes: The Naso vlamingi or Vlamingi Tang is one of the largest of the Surgeonfish/Tng family. As a juvenile this fishes coloration is less striking than many of it's relatives but will grow to have beautiful metallic blue highlights on an olive gray background. Though it prefers to school with other Vlamingi as juveniles. As an adult it may fight with other Vlamingi tangs but is usually peaceful with most other tangs. Well known for their voracious appetitite for algae, the Vlamingi tang can grow up to 24 inches and should be housed in a tank of 250 gallons or more. This fish will arrive to you with juvenile coloration and no hump on the head as the adults have.
OK nevermind. No matter how much we like it, though we have a total of 250 gallons I don't have it in one tank. THanks for letting me know.


New Member
My thread with these websites ***********, ***************, coralreeffarm, reefcentral, etc was deleted and quite frankly iam a little ticked off, all i try to due is give some people better websites and the silly mods totally wiped it off the earth