Does anyone have pictures of Copper on your Rocks?


My friend a few months back used some sort of anti-ich formula in his “Main-Tank!” :scared:
Of course it Killed Everything in the tank. Well now he has a few rocks with Bright Green, almost neon in a way coloring on spots of the rocks.
The tank is 10 months old and the “Ich” incident happened 6 months ago...
He thinks it is a cool algae that I don’t have in my tank yet, but I don’t think there is anything special or cool about it other than ruined Live Rock... I haven’t broke the bad news to him yet about the possibility of it being copper.
He has lost all of his starfish which also makes me think there is copper on his rocks.
If anyone has pictures or knows for sure this is copper, please let me know before he sacrifices any more starfish...


Originally Posted by ReefDude37
What are his levels?
I'm going to check for him tonight...
The LFS cleans his tank and does water changes for him once a week. Everything is healthy now. I'm just not too sure about his rocks...


One more question... If it is copper on the Rocks, will it ruin any other rocks if he adds more Live Rock?


copper usually turns rock black. Never heard of it turning green. Sounds like some sort of coraline algea or sponge.


Originally Posted by Jupoc911
copper usually turns rock black. Never heard of it turning green. Sounds like some sort of coraline algea or sponge.
That would be a good thing for my friend then... The color of Green on the rock looks identical to the color of Green in the Statue of Liberty... That is why I suspected copper...
I still haven't seen any algae this shade of green before... :notsure:


Active Member
sounds like green coralline algae to me. I have coralline the color of the Statue of Liberty. Doesn't look neon at all though (neither does the statue of liberty, more like a rusty green).

my way

Active Member
That shade of green sounds like Coraline to me. Why not just test for copper and be sure?


Active Member
I have neon green and pink coralline I have never used copper in any of my tanks, and I’m the original owner. I still test my waters for copper twice a year or a couple of times after I add anything to my tank. Live rock can and does absorb copper, so you may want to take some rock and put it in a bucket of new saltwater with a power head blowing right on it and test for at least a month for any leaching of copper in a some what controlled environment, with no innocent victims of copper poisoning.


We will test for copper...
The reason it looks so strange is, I have green Coraline all over my rocks and his is just different... Some of my green is deep dark green, and others are lighter, but his is definitely different... It is like bright green highlighter on white paper green... Like the color of this Smiley Guy :joy:
If no one has ever had their Live Rock change colors other than black from the copper treatments, then I will just test the rock and the worry will be over.


You are seeing corraline, it's just that it's bleaching. It will either turn white or colour back up.


Thanks for the info guys...
I'm convinced... :cheer:
We will still test his water to make sure the copper traces are gone...
Will the bleached coraline change from white to green or purple again? I have some bleached rocks in my main tank... They are part purple and the rest is white that used to be purple as are some of my rocks that had a lot of green...

my way

Active Member
It could also be the beginning of hair algea. When it first starts to cover the rocks it's bright green.


Yea i have that "oxidized copper" color forming on my base rock that has been seeded. Showed up within a week after adddig purple up.... another +1 for Coralline