does anyone know how long i can keep a fish out of the tank for?


New Member
I have a 55 gal tank with a foxface, 3 striped damsel, blue damsel, cinnamon clown, and newly added porky puffer, and hermit crab.. The problem is that my striped damsel keeps attacking both new additions the crab wont even come out of the shell no more, and the puffer is getting little bite marks taken out of his tail.. After doing some searching i found that the damsels can be aggressive, and territorial.. I want to take him out but i only have a bucket to put him in. Im going to return him to mt lfs tommorow .. How long can i keep him in the bucket?


If you have an airstone, and can keep the temperature steady it should be fine overnight.
Foxfaces are venomous, watch out for his spines.