Does Anyone Know How............


Does anyone know how Mexican Turbo Snails reproduce. Because I was looking in my tank this morning and seen a really small snail on my glass and it looked like a mexican t snail. I have 3 in my tank " now 4 I guess" and was wondering if one could have had a kid. I dont think it could have been a hitch hiker because I have'nt put any new rock or anything in my tank over a year. The baby was a little smaller then a pea. So, any suggestions of where he might have come from would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.


Active Member
hahaha this goes against the norm since i never let things get to me but WHY THE HECK would you answer a post just to say you dont know the answer :rolleyes:
anyhow i have a great artical all about snail if you want it.
its a very long read but you will know more about turbos and all snails then you will even need to know.


Active Member
I believe they are broadcast spawners, meaning the spew eggs and sperm out into the water where fertilization occurs. If you have a lot, this can cause otherwise unexplained cloudiness in the tank.


Active Member
Medplayer that isnt really true. I have 5 types of snails I think that is right and I have little babyes crawling around on my glass. It depends some snails lay eggs some snails have live young "they carry there eggs till they hatch" and some do what ophuria "I hope I spelled your name right that is the first time spelling it I usually copy and paste lol" said. Also if powerheads killed little things how come you have powerheads pulling little bugs from a fuge to the main tank?


Active Member
I should have been more clear. I meant that the impellors will probably kill the eggs in turbo snails, which don't lay eggs on the surface of objects, but rather spray them into the water collumn.
This is just my guess though so I could be completely wrong. The reason I came to this conclusion is when I was reading about the reproductive cycle of another critter, it said impellors would kill the micro-offspring. I could be wrong :p


Active Member
It definitely cuts down on the success rates...planktonic larvae are pretty delicate and impellers do tend to chop them up should they be pulled through a powerhead, etc. Not necessarily all will meet this fate, but it definitely cuts down on successful reproduction of broadcast spawners.


I saw a baby nassarious snail last night in my 20 gallon. Do nassarious snails reproduce the same as astreas?