Does anyone know what this is?


A while ago, I got a free anemone from the LFS. It was the size of a pea and bright green. it grew a bit and then split off, and now I have about 8 of them. 7 are small, and 1 is fairly large. They are bright green on the outsides and at the tips, while the insides are pink. here is the picture:
If anyone can tell me what kinda of anemone it is that would be great! I have been looking online a lot but have had no luck.
thanks again!!


Are they only a pest because they split so often? They havent been hurting anything, and it is not stinging the anemone that is hosting in it.

clown boy

Active Member
Originally Posted by scarbone
Are they only a pest because they split so often? They havent been hurting anything, and it is not stinging the anemone that is hosting in it.
You mean it's not stinging the Clown that's hosting it?