Does anyone know what this is????


New Member
Does anyone know what this is????
It feels like it has a million little hairs......I don't know if it is good or bad......Any information would be greatly appreciated.....Thank you.....



thats a kind of brain coral. its an sps. if you dont have metal halides it will slowly die. Its not harmful.
Can't tell by the pick however brain corals are LPS corals and can live under power compacts. They also generally have powerful stinging tentacles that can extend up to 8" and will kill other corals. It wouldn't be harmful to your system overall, but it could be harmful to it's reef neighbors.


Active Member
Did you buy the rock with this on it? My guess would be that its just a sponge. Does it react to light? Does any part of it inflate or do tenticles come out of it when the lights are on? If you touch it with an object does it retract and curl up? All would be key indicators that its a coral, however I am leaning towards sponge at first glance.


looks like an encrusting sponge.. especially if it is unresponsive to stimuli, which it looks like it is from the picture.


New Member
Someone had stated it may be a tunicate sponge does anyone agree with that. It does nothing when you touch it, it has no tenticles that come out, and it doesn't inflate. It is hairy to the touch. It looks like there is the round head, if that is what you want to call it, then it kinda slides down the side all of it is hairy. I did not notice it when I first got the rock then I spotted a little spot and of course it is getting bigger and bigger.