does anyone know?????



I posted in the new hobbist and I am not getting any replies. So I will try it here.. I have a pink tipped anemone... He's been here for 2 days.. should I feed him tonight or do you think I should wait longer? Not sure if SWF.COM feeds before shipping.... Thanks!


Active Member
why not? give it a try. see if he accepts anything. you can also checkup his health at the same time by seeing if he is sticky and able to grab the food.
besides, feeding ita few days after swf does isnt goign to hurt it :)
may we see a pic?


Originally Posted by nemette
I posted in the new hobbist and I am not getting any replies. So I will try it here.. I have a pink tipped anemone... He's been here for 2 days.. should I feed him tonight or do you think I should wait longer? Not sure if SWF.COM feeds before shipping.... Thanks!
How is he looking? If still stressed out looking let him be for a few more days. Then maybe try a small piece of squid, if he takes it, still watch that he keeps it down. If he keeps it down in a few days try 2 small peices and do this to work him up to more pieces then feed 2 times per week, that is what I did with mine, and he is doing great and growing.
If he tosses it back at you "throws up" then give him more time to settle, worst thing you can do is bug him while he settles to your tank.


Active Member
most places that ship fish etc. dont feed for several days prior to shipping so they dont defecate in the bag polluting their water during transport, I think you would be very safe to offer it a small meal, then go to a regular feeding scedual.