does anyone own soloman island clownfish and if so can u tell me about em?


Active Member
Err... like a true perc? Or any clowns found near the Solomon islands....? Im confused!


Active Member
soloman island clownfish are clownfish that look like the percula clownfish but have thicker black stripes and yes i think they r found in the soloman islands (im guessing)


no he just means true percs but the true percs found in the soloman islands just have a little more black than usual


Active Member
The clowns with wider black bands from the Solomon Isl. are still A. percula, they're not of a different species, just a bit different coloration. The care for the Solomon percs are just the same as the regular percs.
The clowns in HappyVac's first pic are black/white ocellaris clowns, aka Darwin clowns. They are not true percs.