does anyone use this?


New Member
Hi, new here but been into and out of salt for years. I think I can post this here. Just saw an ad in a magazine for an item called an eco aqualizer. Don't know anything about it, but it sounds good. Does anyone know anything about it?
Thanks in advance. This is an awesome forum!!!!


Active Member
Never heard of it, nor do I know what it is or what its supposed to do, but evidently its not needed or I probably would have been suckered into trying one by now. Never even heard of it in any of the other forums disscusions, so evidently its more than likely a gimick or more snake oil to a hobby already over inundated with junk that does not work or add any benefits to the system.


Originally Posted by chipmaker
Never heard of it, nor do I know what it is or what its supposed to do, but evidently its not needed or I probably would have been suckered into trying one by now. Never even heard of it in any of the other forums disscusions, so evidently its more than likely a gimick or more snake oil to a hobby already over inundated with junk that does not work or add any benefits to the system.
I'm going to have to agree, but I could be wrong... Looks like a gimmick...
Here is some information on it (


Active Member
Yep, thanks for that link.....but after reading this portion:
copy / paste
"The Earth's Magnetic Field and the Suns Radiating Wavelengths are natural forces which contribute to the missing links in achieving aquarium perfection. Not only will your livestock strive in captivity, both microorganisms and beneficial bacterium will also flourish providing all marine life a proper balance of nutrient flux. "
It was sufficieint for me to chalk it up as snakoil. Never even waited for the rest of the page to load or look at other parts of the website.... ABout like the hype opf wearing magnets to elimionate pain, or those electronic opr magnets you attach to a vehicles gas line to rearrange molecules to get %60 better gas mileage etc......SNAKE OIL! next thing some wacko Phd, will write a paper telling you that the fish tank has to be orintated to such and such a position so it can take advantage of the magnetic fields etc and in the process the tank will be free of any possible diseases or algae problems will cease to exist........