does herbivores get along with carnivores?


New Member
im pretty soon going to get an aquarium. can a blue hippo tang, a yellow tang, and clownfish get along with a snowflake eel?
i want to make sure before my fish all get eaten by the snowflake eel
thanx for all the help!!!!


Active Member
the tangs should be fine but if the clown is small enough then the SF eel might eat him, they will eat whatever will fit in there mouth


the snowflake will most likely not eat any of your fish....i have 2 one in each of my tanks and they don't bother a soul. as far as the tangs go make sure you have a big tank 125+ in size


New Member
are you sure I need a 125+ tank? and are u sure that my sfe won't eat my blue hippo? it is only one in. i thought maybe you were talking about the ones like that are 5in. will my tangs get sick if the tanks not large enough? I ain't got a lot of money...


New Member
sorry... about the top note, the one bluehippo9 wrote is mine... i have 2 usernames, and i forgot to logout out of the bluehippo9 when i wrote the note


Yes the hippo needs alot of swimming room.
If not they will get stressed out.
I had one in my 55 and it broke out in ich and died.
Even though it was small.
I will not try another tang until i get my 120g or larger.
Also they are not good for beginers.
As you can see swf has a no guarantee on them because they are so sensitive.
Most tangs i see at the lfs have ich already.


i have one one tank with the snowflake blue damsel, yellowtail blue damsel and a queen. he doesn't bother anyof them. the yellowtail is snaller than a quarter too.the other one is by himself because a mantis shrimp killed everything but the snowflake. the one in with my damsels is 20 inches long and the other one is like 12 inches.