does lr need light ?


I had posted a ? here earlier " will this help "about putting sand and lr in my sump..? is does it need light..also is this like a refrigum ? ( not sure how to spell it) thanx


Active Member
if you add small critter like pods, and macro algae you pretty much have a refugium, and lighting would be good idea, for algae growth, the algae will help with nutrient export and oxygenating the water


I think anything like pods or worms are going to have a rought time makeing it back to the tank throught the pump. I could be wrong but that make sense to me.

fish fry

As mentioned the lighting will help, doesn't need to be bright though a FO works fine for macro algae.
As far as critters going through the pumps. If possible try to have the sump higher than the tank. This way you can use gravity to move the water from the sump into the main tank. They sell hang on the tank refugiums for this purpose.