Does my copperhead butterfly have ick?


I have a 75g FOWLR tank with 80 pounds of LS and 30 pounds of LR. On Saturday I got a copperband butterfly from my LFS. I was looking closely at it last night and could see REAL tiny white dots on it's clear fins & nose. He will kind of pick at the mysis shrimp I'm feeding him, but not really eat a whole lot. He hides behind rock most of the time, but he will come out to look around.
I've done some swapping around with fish in the last day or so. My yellow tang wouldn't leave the copperband alone, and my lunare wrasse kept eatting my crabs. I took those 2 guys back and got a watchman goby & keyhole angel to replace them.
My tank has been up for just over a month. I haven't checked my levels in a few days, but my salinity is 1.024 & temp is around 77.
As it is, this is what I currently have in the tank:
  • 1 cleaner shrimp
  • 1 hermit crab
  • 11 mexican red leg crabs
  • 10 turbo snails
  • 1 yellow tail damsel
    1 blue fin damsel
    1 copperband butterfly
    1 watchman goby
    1 keyhole angel
If you look closely at the picture, you can see the itty bitty white spots on his tail. Does it look like ick? Should I put him in QT? What should I use to medicate him?
I have a spare 10g tank that I've never used. Can I just transfer water from my main tank into it?? I know I'll need a separate heater & filter.


Staff member
Sure looks like it on the fin. Are those spots all over the body?