Does my tank have to be completely sterile?


There is some dirt around the hardened silicone on the seams of my tank, and it would take all night to clean it out. There is so little dirt in my tank that it's hard to even describe the amount.
Can I go ahead and fill up my tank?


Active Member
depends on what the tank had in it before it dried algae? actual dirt?has the tank sat long period of time without water?


If its just regular dirt it shouldn't be a big problem. Plus if you are just setting up your tank it will have plenty of time to get filtered out and you should do a water change in the near future. Just make sure to check your water before you begin to add livestock.
Keeping your fish Healthy? What about your Body?


I figured I might as well re-use this thread to ask the same question about a canister filter. I filled a used canister filter with water & baking soda and let it sit for a while, as well as soaking all the tubing and basically every part of it in a bucket of baking soda water overnight. Since apparently, some dirt is fine, that isn't my worry. But how do I know when the filter is completely sterile and ready for use? I will be getting new filter media.