Does Pom Pom Xenia grow fast and do they eventually cause a problem?


I seen a colony of them at my LFS and i know the way they pulse. I know they grow slower than other xenia species but does it still grow fast and can eventually take over my tank?


Active Member
I wouldn't worry about it taking over your tank, not a fast grower IMO...Very cool looking in a tank


Xenia's are one of those corals that grow like weeds in some tanks and barely survive in others. Also I believe that some genetic strains of the same species show differant growth rates.


For some people they grow like weeds, for others they don't. They don't really come off the rocks and turn to much when you pull on them so if they attach to something you're going to have to chip the rock to get it off. (Just like anything I guess) But if you leave the slightest bit on the rock it will grow back in no time. They look nice and are fun but you need to keep them in check.


Originally Posted by Dennis210
Xenia's are one of those corals that grow like weeds in some tanks and barely survive in others. Also I believe that some genetic strains of the same species show differant growth rates.
Yea! Mine was growing like weeds and then all the sudden died. I had a guy tell me they like a dirtier tank. Go figure.