does RO/DI water need trace elements?


Active Member
I got my Kent Max60HiS yesterday and will be doing my first water change with RO water tonight. I was reading the instructions that came with the unit and it occured to me that if this thing removes soooo much stuff from the water, do I need to supplement trace elements or anything like that? I dose with kalk at every water change/top off... should I be adding anything else?


Active Member
Your salt should have eveything in it for a water change.
Add your kalk for the top off.
I add some trace elements every 2-3 weeks, but I don't change much water and I am skimmerless.
If you change water every week, I wouldn't worry so much about adding anything.
It also depends on whats in the tank and how much. My buddy swears using iodine. Just a few drops every week.
I add seachems reef plus.
I hoped I helped:rolleyes:


Active Member
You have the same RO/DI unit that I use.
I say this a lot here - not sure if anyone does it but me - but I say it anyway.
Aerate your newly made RO/DI water overnight with a powerhead first - before mixing your saltmix into it.
You'll get better results most every time.
If you make a batch of RO/DI - and do not aerate it - when you mix in the salt powder - it may affect the calcium, alkalinity and pH.
Each time I tried it without enough aeration time - my levels were always LOW in the new batch of saltwater.
After aerating the RO/DI first - levels came out as one would expect.
For real !
Try it if you interested in seeing for yourself.
Do a couple gallons both ways - test it.
No trace elements required for new saltwater.


Active Member
Thanks for the advice...
Broomer - I've heard you say that before, and I did indeed follow your advice. I let it airiate over night with a powerhead, then add Kalk, let it sit for 12-24 hours, then add the water to my tank. As near as I could tell, all levels in the new water were good, but I have old/crappy test kits (hopefully santa will be good to me and bring me some new/better test kits).
Right now my tank is pretty bare, just a few easy corals and a bubble tip anemone. I do water changes the first and third weeks of the month, and just top off the second and fourth weeks. For now I'll hold off on adding anything but salt and kalk.
Thanks for the tips.