Does such a thing exist?


Active Member
I was wondering if there's such a thing as a switch that you can plug into an outlet, and then plug something into the switch. It would be nice to be able to just switch my skimmer and pumps off when I need to instead of having to unplug them all the time.


Active Member
These products DO exist as a matter of fact...
Hopefully nobody will care if I link to Lowes...
They also make one that's a simple one piece deal, plugs into the outlet and the device plugs into it, and it has a toggle switch right on it, it's about a 2" cube shape, but I didn't find one in my poking around.
Now is a great time to look for them, as they are really popular for holiday lighting.


Active Member
Look in the nearest Target Store or Bed and Bath store for a device called The Squid Power Extender. It has a built in circuit breaker, and flexible extensions of variable lengths with recepticles and a on off switch. Its a much more improved and feasible strip type plug like is commonly found on computers etc, but provides room to plug in wall warts etc and gives a lot of flexibility which the typical strips do not give. They sell for under $10.00 at Target and can take 5 additional devces to power up.


Just use a seperate surge protecter for those things. That way you can just throw the switch for just those things.


Active Member
Attached is pic of a the Squid device. Its much better than any strip device since it allows wal warts to be used without blocking adjoining recepticles.
If your realy wanting to do it right go for the built in device and munt it in thr stand. I have mine mounted in the stand. The ones depicted in the image may look like they will create problems with leaking water etc, but its not been a problem and its easy enough to make a shield over the top if necessary. (That is not my setup by the way) IIRC I give like $15 bucks for the American DJ power centers and under 10 bucks for the squid. Both types are protected by a 15 amp built in circuit breaker. The squid is controlled all 5 plug ins by one switch, the power center is individual controled plug in's which are also illuminated rocker type switches.



Active Member
But wouldn't that be a problem having it go off and on while beating the kids with a belt....


Active Member
At the risk of being chastised:

Insert americandj in place of the x's. They went up in price by about $4, they are now $19. and change......but still perfect if you want to install it into a stand and hide all those unsightly cables. I had a source for a 10 circuit one as well but can't find it. IIRC it too was bought from americandj
Oh and for you dudes and dudettes that like "colors" that Squid POwer Extender comes in a varied assortment of hot flourescent colors as well.
And for thata lighted panel mount switch center. go to that website I listed and do a search with your zipcode for a dealer in your area. You may find a stocking dealer in your own town, or close by.


Active Member
hahahaha... oh gosh, i didnt read... the... put the " " in places of the xxxxxxx... big mistake. everyone, please dont do what i did. espically if your a teen, ur parents will have a stupor of thought of what u might have clicked on


Active Member
Thanks for the ideas.
SCSInet, do you know the name of those switches that I could search for? (link was removed).
chipmaker, those power control boxes are a really neat idea, but the outlets on them are facing a wierd way. It doesn't look like you could fit any timers or transformer on them.


Active Member
Originally Posted by Darknes
Thanks for the ideas.
SCSInet, do you know the name of those switches that I could search for? (link was removed).
chipmaker, those power control boxes are a really neat idea, but the outlets on them are facing a wierd way. It doesn't look like you could fit any timers or transformer on them.

You can easily re-orieint the direction in which the recepticles face. Its easy to pop em out and push em back in. can go with POwer Strip Liberators. IMHO they are pretty neat, and works just fine and for the price yu cannot begin to buy and make them. At the present time I seem to think I found them at Target as well, but will not swear to it, but a web based search should find them for you pretty easy. They come 5 to a pack for about $6.00
I never gave replace the XXXXX part with americandj a single thought, and really had no intentions of sending nayone to a potential ---- site by any means.....just do a search for americanDJ for the website address.


Active Member
Good idea, chipmaker. I didn't think about using those short power cords.
I might actually get one of those power control boxes in the near future. The ones I've seen before required a lot of electrical wiring, but these just plugin!