Does this candycane look healthy?


So I have had this coral about 2 weeks now and it has developed two different color patterns. 1/2 is a purple/maroon color and the other half is like a blue. Never had one.. or any coral for that matter so just looking for some other opinions. Its in a 29g biocube with the pc's
ammonia- 0
nitrite- 0
calcium- 480
water temp steady 78
nitrate- 5 (water change day)
ph- 8.2



Active Member
Looks good. Probably just changing color (morphing) becuase it is under different lighting.


Active Member
looks like it needs some actinics for a true green color!
i have one and have my actinics on alot, and its a wickid green color
it looks healthy though.


i have the actinics on like 10 hours a day. i put the blue lights on for 1 hour in the morning before i put the pc's on for 8 hours. then I turn the pc's of and leave the actinics on for 1 more hour before they go off. I just figured that would kinda simulate the hole dusk and dawn thing.