Does this order look ok?

Ok right now I have 25-30 pounds of LR in a 55 gallon with a protein skimmer. I have around a 2-3 inch sandbed. In it are 2 clowns, a bicolor blenny, 2 fire shrimp, and some assorted small inverts. Here is what I was planning on ordering...
-2 cleaner shrimp
-boxing crab (I never see these guys for sale)
-neon goby
-green clown goby
My main concern is if my fire shrimp will get territorial with the cleaner shrimp.
My nitrates are slightly on the high side but I have some mixed water and I'm doing a water change this weekend. Thanks for the help.

ups guy

I think you need more rock, but thats just me. The cleaner and the fire shrimp, Might get nasty with eachother in the begining but might avoid eachother later settling down. the clowns might get nasty with eachother also be use caustion. hope that help