Does this sound like a good deal to you?


Active Member
Ok, how does the price sound in this...
125 gallon AGA tank
iron stand
double folding glass top
NO strip light (6 NO bulbs included)
skilter 400 filter/skimmer
magnum 350 canister filter
Price: $1000 CANADIAN....$650 US no tax. Is that a good price for all that? It's been used for 7 months.


I'm not familiar with AGA but I purchased an 42 gallon Oceanic with solid oak stand for ~$700. I'd say that price is too high especially being used. I'd offer $400 at most. USD that is.


Active Member
That doesn't sound very good at all. I saw one in the paper a few months ago. It was a 100 gallon with fish, coral, LR, LS, lights, stand, everything for $450. Wish I had an extra $450 :)


I bought a new Oceanic 125 with pine stand, glass tops, and NO lights for ~ $500 (+tax) a few months ago. Even with the Magnum and the Skilter I wouldn't give that much for a used 125 with a metal stand. JMO.
You could purchase everything new for less then that. I was just looking at a 125 with pine stand & canopy and striplights as well as the glass folding tops at a chain retailer and the whole thing was under $900.