Does this sound right to you?


Jut got a Dog Face Puffer from my LFS. He looked great at the store. Got him home and in the tank and he had white ick like spots on him. There were not there when we got him. Can the stress cause him to break out like that? Could it even be ick? Sure looks like it to me. No pics sorry.
LFS said there is no way it could be ick. What do you think?
Should I start treating for ick hyposalinty?
Thanks for the help


Active Member
Originally Posted by 125inTX
Jut got a Dog Face Puffer from my LFS. He looked great at the store. Got him home and in the tank and he had white ick like spots on him. There were not there when we got him. Can the stress cause him to break out like that? Could it even be ick? Sure looks like it to me. No pics sorry.
LFS said there is no way it could be ick. What do you think?
Should I start treating for ick hyposalinty?
Thanks for the help

You really need to qt any puffer. They are almost for sure to have some parasites. Since they have no scales they are particularly suseptable to Ich. Another thing to consider however. Is they do on occasion do what looks like goose bumbs. And that may be what you're seeing.
How in the world can a LFS stay there is no way it is ich?


Originally Posted by stdreb27
Another thing to consider however. Is they do on occasion do what looks like goose bumbs. And that may be what you're seeing.
Are there any pictures out there regarding this?


Active Member
Originally Posted by 125inTX
Are there any pictures out there regarding this?
I'll look through my pictures to see if I have pictures of my puffers. But I don't think this is the case. I'd lean much more to ich.
I can't find any pictures of it, they'll do it (it is very temporary) right after they poop or puff up.


if its on the fins id say ich
but on the body they have tons of lil bumps if you look super close. its tiny spikes


id say ich too. i just recently had a fish die, and my LFS told me that there was no way it could be ich but couple hours later he died and when i looked closer at him it was on his fins and eyelids. My LFS wouldnt take him back after he died, you should see if your store has a policy. Ill never again buy a fish from a store that doesnt guarantee their fish for at least a week. good rule of thumb if they dont guarantee it dont buy it its prolly sick.


Active Member
You would probably do better posting in the Fish Disease & Treatment section. You may get Beth to chime in there.


Active Member
i would say, yes. especially if your lfs keeps their salinity low. as soon as you acclimate it to a higher salinity, they show up like crazy.
btw- of course your lfs is going to tell you that fish came from them disease free, but the truth is, hardly ever, do lfs's qt their fish. they just drip, and toss them in their tanks.


Originally Posted by jag2232
I always thought it took several days to get to the point where it swells up and you can see it.
Thats what I thought too. He looked fine at the LFS and 60 mins later he was covered. He still has them on him. I am watching my other fish real close. And I am ready to do the hyposalinity on the tank.


Active Member
Originally Posted by 125inTX
Thats what I thought too. He looked fine at the LFS and 60 mins later he was covered. He still has them on him. I am watching my other fish real close. And I am ready to do the hyposalinity on the tank.
It has to show up at some point. Doesn't it? If it is a particularly bad case it can get your fish in a day. But I think as was said earlier is a far more likely senario.
What you'll see a lot in LFS is the LFS keeping their aggressive fish at a lower salinity like 1.016 or so. In order to keep the parasites at bay. It does work. However the change in salinity to your tank will make the parasites go nuts.