does this stocking list seem ok?


180 gal LR system
1. Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish*
2. Porcupine Pufferfish*
3. Pacific Sailfin Tang*
4. Flame Angel
5. Niger Trigger*
6. Marine Betta
7. Harlequin Tusk
*= Already have


Active Member
well the trig may be a problem wih the lion or is it angels some one chime in please but other than that awsome


ic well the trigger is the oldest of the fish i have now and as of so far hes the nicest trigger ive ever seen, I know that can change but hes never bullied any one as of yet. Im hopin he stays that way, its kinda why I went with a dwarf lion since his fins wont stick out as far. But Im hoping all goes well :D


Originally Posted by ericjn http:///forum/thread/381409/does-this-stocking-list-seem-ok#post_3321981
180 gal LR system
1. Fuzzy Dwarf Lionfish*
2. Porcupine Pufferfish*
3. Pacific Sailfin Tang*
4. Flame Angel
5. Niger Trigger*
6. Marine Betta
7. Harlequin Tusk
*= Already have
The list looks okay, but:
Keep an eye on the trigger, they're usually not a good idea with lions. It will probably nip at the lions fins. Since you already have both, you should already know if this is an issue or not. It may not have happened yet either. Some triggers behave themselves, the Niger being one of the better ones, but some do not. The dwarf angel may as well.
Are you aware that many Marine Betta's die in their first three months of captivity?


Originally Posted by levinjac http:///forum/thread/381409/does-this-stocking-list-seem-ok#post_3321989
i mean trigs are known to nip at lions fins
True, to a point. You have to take into consideration what TYPE of trigger it is and what type of lion. While it is still possible, a Niger with a dwarf is probably going to be okay. He already keeps them together as well...
I know you're excited about the hobby and like to answer questions, but you need to know all the facts before you give broad answers.


yea I know about the problems with bettas, I just really like the fish and want to give it a try. Plus gives me a big reason to get a moonlight
thier is one really good cave like spot I just know it will love I just want to give it a try and see. The trigger I have so far has been the nicest trigger ive ever seen, so far he ignors the lion all together ofcorse right now the lion is bigger so that may have a thing to do with it. I know triggers can "snap" at any time Ill just have to watch him. Im hoping with a big enough tank the angel and trigger will just leave the lion alone but ill just have to see, only fish im nervous about getting is the tusk fish since I want it as the "show fish"


Active Member
Originally Posted by BTLDreef http:///forum/thread/381409/does-this-stocking-list-seem-ok#post_3321995
True, to a point. You have to take into consideration what TYPE of trigger it is and what type of lion. While it is still possible, a Niger with a dwarf is probably going to be okay. He already keeps them together as well...
I know you're excited about the hobby and like to answer questions, but you need to know all the facts before you give broad answers.
BUT nigers can nip at fins its just a percaustioin and as i stated i dont know but i think and i asked for someone else t chime in i never said it was true i just guesed and said i guessed


wo guys lets get along here lol. Um one more question is thier a posibility id be able to squeeze in a blonde naso tang in there too, or am I pushing my luck?


Originally Posted by ericjn http:///forum/thread/381409/does-this-stocking-list-seem-ok#post_3322230
wo guys lets get along here lol. Um one more question is thier a posibility id be able to squeeze in a blonde naso tang in there too, or am I pushing my luck?
It would be pushing it, but is doable. I absolutely love my Blonde Naso. From what I have noticed, they grow slower than most other tangs, so if you can find a smaller one, you'll be able to keep it for much longer before it became an issue. That being said, my Sailfin bullies my Naso a lot, so be careful of that. I think it is just my Sailfin, but you never know...