Does this work?


I'm new, and trying to get this to work... can someone tell me if they can see my pictures??? I've just started adding fish to my tank, first was the lawnmower blenny and that about 4 days later we got a percula clown and a coral beauty.



Active Member
I can see them, but you need to resize them. Open them with paint and go to edit click select all and then go to i think it is colors or something and click on attributes make the dimensions 450x380 or so.


Okay, thanks guys. Glad that it worked. So you all can obviously see the bubble algae.. Its from rocks that we got for free from a friend of a friend... I didnt want to remove them once they were in water, since I knew it could release spores... so we also have an emerald crab... lol, the thing is no where to be found... I mean we see him once in awhile but he never seems to eat any of that algae.. how should I get that off? Its UGLY!!!
Also, if I were to get another percula clown, does it have to be smaller then the one that I have for them to get along??? The one I have is pretty small.. I dont know if I'd find another one smaller then him... The LFS where we got him said that he was a baby.
Oh and does using a flash bother the fish??? It doesnt seem to bother mine, they seem to come right to the glass for pictures lol.. but I wasnt sure if thats because of the flash or something..should I not use it?


Active Member
If your current clown is that size...just get one the same size. Being that small they should both be males so you shouldn't have a problem.


Thanks pitbull, I already love them..and dont want to harm them.. Makes me feel better that its not bothering them!


Active Member
there is no such thing as fish being photogenic, mine take bad pics. It is all about the human and the


fish look awesome!
might wanna do something about that bubble algae though...personally i hate the stuff! emerald crabs usually do the trick. how big is your tank, just our of curiosity?


55 gallons and I do hate it too.. But didnt want to break it in the water.. we only have one emerald crab, should I get more?