dog experts need your advice!


Active Member
Well we have moved to our new house and ever since we got here are dog as been peeing all over the carpet! She just did it again on our BRAND NEW CARPET! She was potty trained before we moved her and know it seems shes not! What should i do!! :mad: :mad: :mad:


Active Member
well when my dad gets home and he finds out she did it again she gone
Well..... I guess that means i can have a boa constricter
But shes been my favorite dog NOW SHE A DUMB !-#%&!!!!! :mad: Man, fish are the best pets to have, dont need to potty train them


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
Well we have moved to our new house and ever since we got here are dog as been peeing all over the carpet! She just did it again on our BRAND NEW CARPET! She was potty trained before we moved her and know it seems shes not! What should i do!! :mad: :mad: :mad:

She might be rebelling that you moved. Or you will hve to basically start over because she is unfamilar with the settings ie. (what door do I go to now etc.)Also there may have been another animal in that house before the new carpet was put in?


Active Member
Originally Posted by Cartman101
no animal has been in that house. Its a house just built
I think like was said before you are going to have to Re-Train her..Prolly won't take as long...
But the dog has no idea what door, or even once it gets out where to go...
Just keep takeing her out all the time to the same spot..


Active Member
your dog is marking her territory,even though the carpet is new it still contains scents that we cannot detect.but your dog can.but she will have to be taught this is her new home not a toilet and be shown where her potty limtis go.


yep needs to be retrained! she has no idea where right from wrong is. Shouldn't take long to break her back in. work with her and you'll be fine. when i first got my pup it only took a couple of days to break him. all it takes is time and patience. pay atenttion to her and stop her as soon as she starts and put her right outside. she'll get the point.