Dog Face Puffer!



Hi, Can someone tell me how easy it is to take care of a dog face, and how easy it is to feed them, and what size tank is good.


It's easy and a 125 will suit him perfectly. He eats a LOT and they like meaty foods. Mysis shrimp,krill,squid.. etc soak them all in vitamins or freshly minced garlic.


Active Member
Originally Posted by exile415
It's easy and a 125 will suit him perfectly. He eats a LOT and they like meaty foods. Mysis shrimp,krill,squid.. etc soak them all in vitamins or freshly minced garlic.
yeah, that pretty sums it up!


Alright thanks alot guys, Oh and I have a question, why is my Niger trigger so Shy.
there is nothing wrong with him, his fins are perfect no fish gets close to him, and most importantly he eats like a pig but he is always in back of the rocks.


Active Member
You must include some hard shelled foods in the puffers diet. You need to keep their teeth "filed down". They constantly eat hard shelled foods in the ocean so mother nature has given them a rapid growing set of teeth. If their teeth get overgrown they will stop eating and you will need to perform puffer dentistry. Getting them to chew on frozen food on a regular basis can help with keeping the teeth filed. Perfect if you can feed them a few snails a few times a week.
Keeping their teeth in check is a must for good health and long-term success.


Hmmmm... Ive never heard of that one. What kind of snails would I feed it. Turbo Snails? :notsure:
Oh and I had bought my trigger yesterday and today I put in some food and he came out like there was no tommorow he ate all and left nothing for all the other fishes, kinda exagerating but whatever. Now he is always out side.


scuba I have had my puffer for I would say 3 years.. I never gave him anything with a shell and I have never heard of that........ :notsure:


Active Member
Q & A from another site..cut and paste..
Puffers: Hard-Shelled Foods Keep Their Teeth Short
Q. I have a Spotted Puffer in my 75-gallon fish-only saltwater aquarium. It seems that the puffer's teeth have grown to the point where the puffer is unable to close his mouth, which has made it difficult for the fish to eat. Is there anything that I can do to correct this condition?
A. Puffer fish, in the wild, feed on many different types of hard-shelled invertebrates, hard corals, and even coralline algae. In order to keep up with the abuse of this menu, their teeth are constantly growing. If the puffer fish in an aquarium are not given a diet that contains these types of hard foods, their teeth will continue to grow to the point where the fish are unable to close their mouth. This situation makes it very hard for the fish to feed.
For regular feeding, feed the puffer hard-shelled invertebrates, such as frozen foods like whole cockles in the shell, and a variety of mollusks from the seafood counter. These foods will help keep the puffer's teeth short, while providing the necessary nutrition. It is best to offer these foods to the puffers at least twice daily.
If in the event, the puffer's teeth have grown to the point where the fish is unable to close its mouth, more drastic measures must be taken. It may become necessary to file the teeth down. This must be done with great care and gentle handling. If the puffer inflates, it could result in serious health problems. Consult with your aquatic veterinarian or other professional if you think your puffer's teeth are overgrown.


Active Member
Originally Posted by reeferDC
scuba I have had my puffer for I would say 3 years.. I never gave him anything with a shell and I have never heard of that........ :notsure:
If you are feeding him regular forzen food this could be keeping his teeth in check. I can assure you if you do not provide some hard source of food the animal will evetually be unable to eat.
no need to take my some reserach on their diet requirements in captivity.


Active Member
Originally Posted by salt_hobbi
Hmmmm... Ive never heard of that one. What kind of snails would I feed it. Turbo Snails? :notsure:
Oh and I had bought my trigger yesterday and today I put in some food and he came out like there was no tommorow he ate all and left nothing for all the other fishes, kinda exagerating but whatever. Now he is always out side.
Very cheap snails can be had on the big auction site..or visit the local grocer seafood department. for other types of hard shelled treats.


Active Member
From and paste.....
Dietary Needs
One of the first decisions you'll have to make is whether to feed your puffer live food or not. Live food is more nutritious than prepared food, and puffs like it much better. Live shrimp and snails are among the delicacies of a puffer, as you'll see when you drop them into the tank. Small live fish are eaten by some species as well. Certain live food is actually a must for pufferfish, since it not only nourishes them, but wears down their constantly growing teeth. Without hard shells to crunch, their teeth slowly grow to a point where they can no longer fit food into their mouths. If you have ever seen a puffer "yawn" you'll realize this may take some time, since it is capable of opening its mouth quite wide. Regardless, it was made to crush shells with those teeth, and it needs to!