Dog Face Puffer


New Member
Yes I was wondering for a dog face puffer if you have a ls base what would be used for a good cleanup crew,or are you better of just using cc.The reason I ask this it seems like they eat everything listed for a cleanup crew for ls. Just a little confused on the ls vs cc.


Active Member
Tough to have any clean up crew with any big puffer, he will eat anything outside of really large hermits. LS vs CC is personal preference IMO, I had "puka shells" with my puffer he used to pick them up and crush them in his mouth, helped his teeth I believe.


aggressive fish are always hard to get a cleanup crew for since as you pointed out they eat everything listed. is you go CC you will have to clean it all the time. to keep water quality up. in an aggressive tank you still get the benifits of LS even with out the clean up crew you just have to stay up on cleaning it and your water flow up. do you have a sump or refugium with this tank. if so keeping the flow up will help the deterious donw into the sump where you can have a clean up crew safe from the puffer.


New Member
puffers are hella messy eaters and with CC which leaves alot of space for left over food to get stuck and no clean up crew that askin for problems imo not unless your gonna clean up after every meal...depending on the size of the puffer and the size of your snails and hermits. Just get bigger clean up crew


New Member
Thanks for the input I didnt puchase the tank yet just asking before I do. Thinking of a 90 or 125. Reading about the sump sounds like that is what i'm going to do.I am just going to do my homework and ask a ton of ques before I by the set up. I just want to do it wright! I have a 29gal now and after finding this site I found out a lot of good info and I did a lot wrong with the 29.lfs is totaly against LS only uses cc with undergravel filter. So any input would be appreciated thanks.