dog face puffer


my book says they need a 100gal and i have a 90gal in the progress of being setup would the 90gal work?


Active Member
yes, it will be fine in your 90 as long as you only have like one or 2 more fish. i would say the puffer, a wrasse/hog, and an eel in that tank would be perfect. please, no triggers with him though. bo


Active Member
its all puffers. where have you seen them like this? my lfs never, never, ever mixes puffers with triggers, even if theyre nigers. they just dont mix. the trigger will eventually kill the puffer. ask pufferlover for his story on this. bo
[ August 21, 2001: Message edited by: Grouperhead ]


Active Member
Grouperhead: What story hee-hee. Anyway here I go again.
My lfs has shown me over the course of the last couple of years 2 Porks brought in by people who kept them with triggers (what kind I do not remember if I asked or was told). both had all their fins torn up and both died within days altho the lfs guy tried to save them. The point is that at some point when that Trigger gets big enough it is going to go after that Puffer (porks or dogs not difference, altho dog might end up the winner with its teeth the way they are). Why do it to such great personable fish. When smaller then the Puff the Trigger will back off but its nature is to be the king of its domain and they are smart fish in my mind they bide their time and when able will become nasty devils. Even my lfs guy who crowds his tanks will not put a larger Trigger with a Puffer of any type nor will he put any 2 Puffers together in the same tank.
Now to go a step further. I have had a yearning for quite a while for a Undulated Trigger and told my guy today to get me a baby one when he goes to wholesaler next Tuesday. I have one tank ready for that fish and I intend to grow it large and then give it a nice big tank of its own. A lot of my fish in my big tanks are 7 to 8 years old now and I figure by the time the Trigger is ready there will be a tank for it. As I mentioned in another post at this stage of my hobby I am leaning to less fish in a given tank but fish that have personality and will grow to the right size for the tank available.


Active Member
Have to admit I changed my mind and cancelled the Undulated today. Just decided things are going so well for a change why start messing with things again. Maybe I am slowing down finally but I know how much time I spend on my tanks and wonder how some of you with even more or less but larger tanks find the time to do yours.