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Watch the show Dog Whisperer he has a good way of walking dogs. Its like you are walking a show dog, have the collar tight around their chin with them right at your side or slightly behind you. I personally don't care for much of the show...I have seen 4 episodes and all of his solutions for problems is to walk the dog correctly, that will solve barking, dominance issues, etc..but he does have a good walking style.
Now I too have a 60 pound dog put isn't the best on leash. She actually walks better with me off leash but that doesn't work in a neighborhood. My opinion is that the walk is more for the enjoyment of the dog, so I like for her to get ahead a little bit, to sniff, and have fun. However, for the walk to be a big game of tug of war is not the way I want it to be. For the dog pulling your arm out is part of the game, to deter this is when she gets a little too far, tug / pull hard twice in a row as fast as you can. It is like BAM BAM, within a second, she will learn her boundary from there on how far she can get before Bam Bam. You can add a verbal command to the pulling action, so eventually you can say the verbal command and she should respond, if not then you always have the double tap Bam Bam.
Good luck...also dogs (especially working dogs like a shepard) don't start to lose their puppy energy until just after 2 years old, so she will start to mellow out shortly.
100% the dog whisperer... 100% the best trainning tool I have ever used. Buy the book Cesars Way $12.95 best seller. And watch his shows, I have trainned my dogs in less than a month to walk next to me without walking ahead and with no leash. Cats, squirrels, rabbits, kids... you name it they wont leave my side unless I tell them too. IMO, IME best thing I could of done.. I have spent hundreds of $$ in the past on trainners for my dogs, nothing has worked this well and this effectively.... Just my 2 cents.
Regardless of how well behaved the dog is when she walks ahead of you like that she or he is telling you they are in charge, and you are not the alpha leader...