Dogface Injured


New Member
I put a new Dogface Puffer in my tank this past weekend and he has been doing great.
Well something happened tonight. He must have gotten curious and started playing around the powerhead and got stuck to it. I am not sure how long he was stuck to it, but I know it was not more than 15 minutes. When I saw him I quickly disconnected the powerhead and he came loose. He was obviously upset b/c he puffed up bigger than the powerhead. After about 10 seconds he calmed down and deflated. He doesn't look too good but his spirits are still high when I come over to the tank to see him. The lower part of his body is what was stuck to the powerhead and on that spot of his body looks like a big purple bruse. He seems to be swimming normally, but I can't tell the extent of his injuries.
Is there anything I can do? Or is just time to sit back and watch to see if he recovers?


Active Member
Spyder; Sit back and wait it should clear up on its own. I have long advocated on this board to have a pre-filter on any powerhead but most don't or won't do it and this is what happens. Fish are curious and it is only a matter of time till they stick their nose into every corner and every piece of equipment. The fish should be fine in a few days as the suction possibly caused a tear in a vessel under the skin but that should heal on its own. I hope you have turned the PH off till you either pre-filter it or remove it.


Active Member
Another thought for more info on Puffs and what to do to make them comfortable go thru my homepage. A Puffer is a great fish but the first one can drive you nuts till you figure out what they need to be truely happy.


New Member
Yes, I am keeping the powerhead off for now. It does have a "type" of prefilter, but it is a cone with an open end instead of the other types you usually see with a cap with a bunch on slits in it.
I may just take this PH out of the tank. I do have two other smaller ones in the tank with the second prefilter I mentioned above.
I hope he makes it... I've only had him for a few days now, but I think he is one of the best fish I've see.
After about an hour or so he is looking good except for the bruse.


Active Member
I tend to like the Hagen Powerheads they offer a fine pre-filter that no fish can get caught up in plus it acts as a little filter (has a pad in a round cannister that attaches to bottom of PH). Use one in my reef for current and it is now covered in pink algae so it looks good even hanging there.


New Member
Well... it almost been a week and he is looking good. No signs of being injured except the slight outline of a circle where the PW got him. He looks like he is going to do fine.