Dogface is a slow eater


New Member
Well he is not slow on the frozen cubes...besides the Dogface I have a Foxface Rabbit and a Niger Trigger. They all get along great..the trigger will eat anything I put in the tank including the formula two flakes I put in for the foxface. Even the foxface now goes crazy for the marine cusine cubes. The puffer though only eats the frozen cubes...he shreds them and enjoys them alot but they don't wear down his teeth (all two of them :).
I have tried frozen (then defrosted) silversides (no fish touch them they just let them sink) I tried ghost shrimp but they are too fast for the puffer. I even tried to giving a rosie red (I know freshwater :scared: ) but they are also too fast for him and the trigger tears it up before he gets it.
Can I get one of those clips for algae and clip a raw shrimp w/ shell in there? How long is it safe to stay in there. I'm guessing especially since it would be new it would take them forever to finish it...


My Dogface is also a slow eater, I clip a crab leg in my Nori Clip some mornings, my Puffer, Trigger and filefish pick at it throughout the day. I remove it late afternoon, so I would say I keep it in my tank for 6 hours or so.
IMO this will depend on tank size and tank maturity.


A feeding stick or prong can be purchased from your LFS, they run around 1.50 or so, it is a thin acrylic rod with a slight bend.
When feeding chunks of food from a feeder stick you can spot feed a fish, such as lions. You can use this on any chunk of food like Raw Shrimp, Squid, Octo, Scallops and so on.......