Dogface Is Dying!!!


New Member
Oh, my puff looks so bad. Where she slept last night is covered with this white slime... and there is slime all over her body... and a lump in her side, and the breathing is now labored. There are clumps of white stuff all over her and she just looks beat up.
Will Maracyn Two help???
I thought she was suffering from Velvet, but right now I don't know. Everytime I walk by the tank she puffs up. I have had her for about 10 years and I really don't want her to die. Please help me. She was scratching, but now she doesn't even move. She kinda lays on her side...


Staff member
What other fish do you have in the tank?
Do you have quarantine tank?? Not much to do without a quarantine. I would recommend hyposalinity combined with Maracyn Two.
How long has this been going on? Why do you think this happened?


My Porc showed the exact same signs whenever she got Ich. Combine Maracyn Two With Good Hyposalintity And There Is A Good Chance She Will Survive.:nervous:


New Member
After 8 years I hoped I would never see her die... but she just couldn't fight it any longer. My baby... died


Staff member
lildirty77, that is very bad news, and I am sorry to hear it. Porks, I have thought, are the true fish pets in the hobby. I'm sure you are devastated.
Think now about what you may have been able to do if you had a quarantine tank. It may now be the time to progress in the hobby and set one up. I'm certainly not trying to make you feel bad, Lord knows, but there are times in this hobby when we realize that it is time to move ahead and do something that will improve the experience.


New Member
i do have a quarentine tank set up. The thing is that all the fish that were with her were moved in there so they wouldn't get parasites and I just treated the tank with her in it. I am just hoping that what ever is in the tank dies off now, and won't bother my hermit crabs and snails.