Dogface or Golden Puffer


New Member
I went to my lfs yesterday to find a new fish to add to my tank... They had a really good looking Pork Puffer and Dogface (at least that's what they told me it was)... it too thought it was a dog face. But I was looking as some pics on different websites and the fish I got looks more like a Golden Puffer. I bought it for $39 and a lot of sites I a seeing the Golden for $100-$200.
This is what my guy looks like: about 3-4 inches long. white belly with scattered black dots. Top have is a faint yellow, big browish, purple eyes and some baclish markings on its fins.
So is this a dog face or a Golden? I am just wondering if I made out on this purchase.


Active Member
Sounds like a Dogface Puffer to me. I think the Golden Puffers are just that Golden. I could be mistaken, but I don't think so. Also the cheapest I've seen a golden puffer for was $125.00.
Later Lisa
[ August 20, 2001: Message edited by: BLUEBERRYBOOMER ]
well i have a golden, awesome fish, it was 215 i talked him down lol, but normally those are the dogface prices about 40 bucks, normally they have a little yellow around their face
my 600th post wooo
[ August 20, 2001: Message edited by: dlight692000 ]


Active Member
There are so many color variations on Dogs depending where they come from. I agree a true Tongan Gold would cost a dealer a 100 or better wholesale so why would they sell it for peanuts. The only way you could ever get a fish like that cheap is if someone bought one then decided they didn't want it and took it to there lfs. But even then any lfs worth its salt (get it salt- I kill me sometimes lol) would know the value of a true Gold.


New Member
Its gotta be a dogface then, but it threw me off by how much yellow it has in it.
My lfs is pretty good, but I have seen them mis-name some of their fish.


Active Member
Spyder; Whatever it is as long as your happy and the fish is healthy then it was a great buy. I have never meant a Dog or Pork I didn't end up loving when I got it. Even my large common Dog (about 15 inches now in 2 years) is a favorite. Today I was cleaning its tank and it came over and stayed next to my hand till I rubbed its back then it just looked up and moved slowly away. My lord I am petting fish now I have swallowed way too much fish poop over the years and have lost my senses lol.