Dogface or golden?


New Member
I just have a couple questions that I hope someone can answer....politley please and thanks.
Are dogface puffers ever yellow in color, or gold. I've done research and can't seem to find that they are or can be. Someone gave us one with a tank we just recently purchased saying it's a dog, but it seems to be a golden...not sure.
Anyways second question... do nass. snails have to have sand to survive? I switched tanks recently and went with crushed coral instead of the sand (my clown sure made a mess with sand) anyways I have not seen them since? Any answers will be helpful.
Thanks in advance!


Active Member
Looks like a dogface puffer . I never seen one with that much gold .A golden puffer has more brighter yellow than yours .


New Member
Ok....We were not sure because we already have a dog and he's big fat and dark brown. No he's not agressive at all. he's a baby yet so that may come with time.
As far as my snails anybody know? Thanks