Dogface Problem?


We have a large dogface, that is winking his eyes. We never had a puffer and was wondering if this is normal? We are worried he hurt his eye on some rocks. Anyone with with experience with dogfaced doing this?


No signs of any thing wrong. The water levels are very normal and he is still eating normally. His eyes look fine. It has been going on for about 3 days.


You sure he hasn't taken a special liking to something else in the tank??
Sorry couldn't resist :)
Best of luck with that problem. I am looking at getting a dogface puffer as the next fish for my tank. I have heard a lot of good things about them.


Funny you should say that. He and the blue spotted grouper are like a couple. They swim every where together and even lay beside eachother after the lights go out. :D :D


Maybe a baby dog face grouper on the way. Maybe your Dog face is a male and he is nervous like an expecting father....
HI i was interested in a dogface as well but i have a 55 gal .. is that big enough and if so what would live with him/her comfortably in that size tank ...... thanks


Depends what you have in your tank. At this time we took this puffer back. He seemed to not like it here. He was a large one and we had him in a 200 gallon tank.
Hi.. i was thinking of putting the dogface in my 55 gal after it is finished with cycling and all .. i plan on having like 20-30 lbs of live rock ... i was wondering if the tank is big enough for that type of fish and also what would be a good tank mate for it.. thanks
A 55 gal will ultimately be too small for a dog face. They should grow to around 12" long and maybe even more in some instances. A 55 gal is only 12" wide, so you can see the problem. The 55 gal could be used for a small puffer like a sharp nose or a valitini(spelling?). You could put a dog face in there for a limited duration, but he will eventually outgrow that size tank...maybe in 6 months to a year, depending on the starting size and how much he get's fed. I would say that a minimum size would be a 75 gal with good filtration, but if your going to add other fish then you would probably need a 100 gal. That is the size that I just started with a puffer in mind.
Good luck
ty very much .. i will have to look into the smaller of the puffers .. at the present time alli have room for in my apt is the 55 and my 30 .. any more and i wouldnt have room for the people ... :D .. ty for the help