i have had a dogface puffer for a while now probably 3 months....ever since i can remember i have been having problems with him. he is always sick or if he's not he is on his way to getting sick. he is the only thing in my 55 gallon(i use it as my qt tank). anyways what it looks like is ick but to the extreme and it only takes less than24 hours to come out. and then he gets this stringy fungusy stuff hanging off of him, but you can't see it unless he touches the sand and then the sand sticks to it and you can see it. the only time i see this guy not sick is when there is medication in his tank for days in a row or when i did the hyposalinity treatment when the salinity was at 1.014 for like 3 weeks. i've tested my water a thousand times and it always comes back perfect. i even bought a uv sterilizer. please help i like this guy but if i can't have a normal day with him i have to get rid of him quick.