????Dogface Puffer????


Active Member
Does anyone have a dogface puffer if so can you post a pic and tell me what you feed it what size tank its in and all the other specifics


Active Member
I do not specifically have a dogface puffer, but I can tell you about it. It is a pretty peaceful fish, requiring to be fed a variation of meaty, frozen foods such as krill, squid, prawn, clam, and shrimp. They will not get any larger than 7 to 9 inches, so if you keep the bioload light in your 72, one for that tank would be fine. If you decide to get a smaller one, he may only take to live food at first. Their not anything like lionfish, but they definitely prefer live foods such as ghost shrimp and blackworms when they are babies.


I have a dog face. He is in a 55 and doing fine. Have had him for 3 years. They can get up to 12". I am planing on moving him to my 90. I feed him krill and silversides. I love them and will also have atleast one. When I move him downstairs I plan on getting another for the 55.



Originally posted by Newbie 8
Can Dog Face puffers live peacefully with non-aggressive fish?

I have had three puffers since I started. And all three have been push overs. They are the greatest fish to add to a tank. Dogfaces are so kewl, my girlfriend hand feeds and pets them all.