Dogface Puffer


On our last visit to the LFS, my wife fell in love with a Dogface Puffer and now "just has to have one." (Not just any Puffer, A Dogface Puffer!)
I've only been on the boards for little over a month and if I've learned anything it is to Research, Research, Research.
I've reviewed previous posts here and also visited my local Borders Bookstore, but still need some help.
What type/size tank is best for them - FO, FOWLR? I know they're not recommended with invertibrates. How big do they get? How's their personality? What do they eat? What kind of tanks mates would be good? Etc.
I have a dogface, they are very lazy fish with interesting personalities. Some of them will even eat from your hand.
As far as size, I'd say absolutely no smaller than a 75, mine is in a 90 gal. His friends are a niger trigger, white tail trigger, 2 maroon clowns, some damsels, hardwicki wrasse, flame hawkfish, powder blue tang,
and soon to be lionfish.
They get along with a lot of fish, but don't buy anything TOO aggressive or "peaceful"


Active Member
dog face puffers can get quite large depending which variety you get they are also messy eaters, and produce a large bioload. Personally I would not put one in a tank smaller that 125 gal, triggers wrasses, and groupers are good, but equally messy tank mates. I would also look into a good skimmer if you don't have one already.


Active Member
They do have personalities-mine will come to the end of the tank where I sit when on my computer and spit water at me if it's hungry! They quickly learn who feeds them and when it's dinner time. Yes, they are messy eaters and will keep begging for food whenever you walk by the tank. I had one for about 2 years in my 55 gal tank and he seemed very happy. Until I left the cover off one day and he jumped out of the tank; that broke my heart. I have a new one and he gets along just fine with my damsels, clowns, shrimp and crab. All the puffer seems to care about is food. Kinda like my dog! This time, I am being careful about not leaving the cover off. Ever.
Agree about the skimmer-get a good one, you will need it. Get a dogface puffer for your tank, you will enjoy it!
P.S. I feed mine mainly Mysis shrimp cubes,but it will also devour flake food.


Active Member
I have had my dogface for over a year now and its still my favorite fish. i feed mine formula 1 cubes,raw shrimp,and scallops. They do not work well with corals and will likely eat most of your corals. The only ones mine doesn't touch is gsp and leathers. Mine will also eat right from your hand and beg for food.