dogface puffer


i just got my dogface puffer today. he blew up in the net and released some of the air how long does it take to get the rest of the air out? is this bad for him? does he do this kind of stuff all the time? what does he like to eat? plz help me out? :rolleyes:


I got one two days ago and he died today.his face looked like it got burned. I was bagging him up to bring him to the store, he puffed up and it was all air. He was foating on his back. The poor thing died a slow death. <img src="graemlins//angel.gif" border="0" alt="[angel]" />
From what I have heard, Dog Faced Puffers have a difficult time expelling air as compared to water. This can even result in death. That is the reason many people recommend capturing the puffer using a container rather than a net. The puffer may still inflate, but it will be with water rather than air.
Time will tell if your dog face recovers. I have not heard of a remedy so far.


we also have a dog face.. we feed it a diet of live or dead shrimp, and we also feed reef carnivor.. you should be able to pick it up at your local pet store.


i have also heard that they will puff up to show excitement. our puffer seems to puff when he knows we are about to feed him.. <img src="graemlins//urrr.gif" border="0" alt="[urrr]" />


A puffer will puff up when it sences fear. That is it defence. It is not a good thing. You should never use a net to catch them and always keep then under water. If they blow up with air, it is very hard for them to get rid of it. I saw one being brought back to my lfs that had blown up and they had to help it get rid of the air. Make sure you feed them a lot of meaty food, and give them some hard foods to keep their teeth filed down, Good Luck


they will also puff up if they see themselves, i had a mirror behind my tank for awhile and mine would go to the mirror and puff up so i had to move the mirror