Dogface Puffers


New Member
Anyone who has a Dogface Puffer, have any of you ever noticed it to change from the light grey color to a medium brownish color? I bought him from a specialized marine fish store closeby, and he was dark in the tank, so i thought he was the black dogface, but when i got him home he was lighter, now i notice he can go off near a rock, and sort-of sleep i guess u could say, but he turns dark this normal?


New Member
it should be fine.i have a stripped dogface and he can change color from dark to's all about there mood or how he/she is feeling.or it can be a sine of a sickness but as long as he/she is eating good and acts normal you should be fine.


New Member
Yeah he eats fine, but a little slowly...I know they like Feeder Fish & Shrimp, and I usually always feed my fish Brine Shrimp, so I put the cube of brine in and he doesnt really go after anything until it breaks up a lot, but my roomie told me he saw him chew up half the cube before so I guess he is alright then...


Originally Posted by andreusnchris
Yeah he eats fine, but a little slowly...I know they like Feeder Fish & Shrimp, and I usually always feed my fish Brine Shrimp, so I put the cube of brine in and he doesnt really go after anything until it breaks up a lot, but my roomie told me he saw him chew up half the cube before so I guess he is alright then...
offer him/her more nutritious food


Active Member
Feed him Krill Sliversides Whole Frozen Shrimp soaked in Garlic and mine goes ballistic when I offer him Squid. Also as a treat I offer all my predators aka my 2 triggers and my 7 inch DFP a few hermit crabs every now and then I can normally get them for 20 cents from my LFS he eats them like Popcorn. Sometimes they live to become part of a CUC most of the time they are snacks.

small triggers

Active Member
also, live mussels or clams are really good. Especially when they start getting bigger and need to chew things to keep their teeth in check.