Doing tank adjustments, opinions please


Current tank is: 29g, 25 lbs l/r, crushed coral as substrate, undergravel filter, 15 watt fourescent <img src="graemlins//uhuh.gif" border="0" alt="[U-Huh]" /> <img src="graemlins//eek.gif" border="0" alt="[eek]" /> skilter 250, 3 dominos.
This is what we were sold at our lfs. We were totally ignorant to what we were getting. A very subpar system. We now are going to a not so lfs and are pulling out our undergravel filter and putting in a sand filter, and we are getting (Thursday) a power compact 2/55watt lighting. Any question, comments, AMENS appreciated. :p We are getting a purple firefish, cherub angel, neon goby and perc clown to replace the 3 dominos (which are going back to the lfs). Thanks for all your info, I have learned alot! :D By the way, the tank is a little over 6 weeks old. All readings are perfect so far.


New Member
why not just add a powerhead instead of taking out the ugf? sounds easier to me. I'm just wondering...not in anyway telling what you should do. we had ugf with cc and a powerhead in the 25gl without problems. the powerhead keeps the water moving so you don't get a build up of waste. umm...unless your rocks are too heavy?


We were told that the undergroung filter would still be able to contaminate the tank if left in. We attached an sand filter and would prefer not to upset the tank by pulling out the filter.