dominant and passive clownfish behavoir question


Active Member
ok, it is my understanding that when a clownfish shakes sideways, that he is showing that he is passive to the other clownfish.
is this true?
well I have 3 OC clowns in my 90g.
(I know I am not suppose to have 3- I will get rid of one when they begin to fight)
all 3 clowns are about 1 inch long.
and I clearly have a dominant female who is larger than the other 2.
but it is a strange relationship with the other 2 males.
as both of them shake sideways to the female- which I understand
but they also shake sideways to each other. most of the time, they shake at the same time
can anyone explain this to me?
does this mean they are going to be fighting soon?


Active Member
well being that the female spot is taken, the next spot to fill is the male.right now they are most likely juvies and when one of the 2 juvies becomes dominant over the other one then you will end up with 1 female 1 male and 1 juvi


it's alright to have 3 clowns it will end up a pair and a

if something happens to the pair the

will move up.I have a trio of ocellaris,percula,clark and belive it or not maroon. in differnt tanks.


Active Member
Originally Posted by bchbum189
bergamer i gotta ask, is that pic next to your name a pile of clowns???? what are they doing?
yes it is a bunch of OC clowns if I remember correctly. I found it on a clown fish breeder website, he wrote that this is common behavior for juviniles.