I got a new anemone and it was not in the tank for more then 2 hour, when my Domino Damsel swam into it. The Domino then started run the other fish way from the anemone. I will try and get a picture of it posted. Has enyone had this happen?
I want a pic!!! I hate my dominos because of their aggresiveness and they were purchased from LFS advice! One of the dominos seems to almost be hosting my mushrooms. He sits on them all the time when he isn't terrorizing the other tankmates. Thats where I am planning to set my trap!
I received a Pink Tip Hiatian Anemone yesterday, this am it is beautifully fully open and happy, The domino Damsel that I purchased with it seems to be trying to host it, he cant stay away. I will keep my eye on it and get a picture if I can