Domino damsel hosting in Condi anenome!


Let me say first, I've never heard of this before and if you don't believe me, I don't blame you but I swear it's true.
I just bought a small Domino Damsel and after about 2 days in my tank, he started living in my condi anenome! He usually hovers right above it but when he gets startled, he's right down nestled in the middle of it. I didn't think this was possible! Has anyone else ever seen or heard of this?:confused: :confused:


Active Member
my grouper tried the same thing! He kept on getting stung thow and then the clown kicked him out. Can you post a picture of him in it?


I'll try to get a picture. My camera is not the greatest (I spend all my money on my tank!). How long did it take for your grouper to get tired of getting stung?


I forgot to mention, none of my clowns have paid a bit of attention to this anenome. I just figured that it's because of it being a condi.


Damsels are anemone fish too. Not "common" but VERY possible.


Active Member
Well, to give you a very specific explanation, most clowns are basically damsels, in fact, the clarkii clowns are almost perfect replicas of some, except for their coloration. BUT, the Domino damsel is known to host any type of anemone, believe it or not. On compatibility charts, they are suitable for almost any anemone. It is instinctive for them to do this, excet their coloration is not of a clown fish. Black and white perculas, they host anemones, right? Well, domino damsels can too, as long as they have that instinct. Now, Im not sure if Lions fish is just really dumb, or some type of alien grouper, but he is the only one that I have ever heard of doing this. It is not common, however, for most other damsels to do this, mostly just the domino. So, dont e surprised. It is actually kinda cool, right? You can tell all of yer friends now. But dont think this is supernatrual, it is common.

brooklyn johnny

Active Member
Believe it or not this is very common with just the domino damsel. In the wild it is often found with anemones, however unlike with clownfish the relationship is commensal, meaning just the damsel benefits with no benefit to the anemone. I myself saw this on a recent trip to Guam. Here is a picture with chrysopterus clownfish (rare clown in the Clarkii complex) with a large adult domino along side the anemone... I apologize for the poor quality picture but this was a disposable camera. I've only seen this (and it apparently is only common) with this damsel.


Thanks everyone! Those were some very cool matter who can take credit for them! It's pretty cool to watch the domino in the anenome...I never thought I'd see that!
:D :happy:


Active Member
:D :D :D . It IS cool to see, but they can be devilish, lol. I had one wen I had my soapfish grouper. He pissed everyone off, and ended up in the mouth of my grouper
. I had to chase the grouper with a stick to get him to let go of that damsels head
. Man that damsel was freaking out after that. He went back to the store:rolleyes: