domino damsel?


my tank is a little over half way cycled (2 1/2 week). wondering if i can add 1 or 2 domino damsels since i've been told u can cycle with damsels? what will there survival rate be? tank is 100g also anybody have any good/bad comments on this fish?


Originally Posted by socalracer
my tank is a little over half way cycled (2 1/2 week). wondering if i can add 1 or 2 domino damsels since i've been told u can cycle with damsels? what will there survival rate be? tank is 100g also anybody have any good/bad comments on this fish?
the domino damsel are the agrrisive one the yellow tail or the blue damsel less agrissive .if you ask so it will be better to wait more 2 week or more and then check your water parameter if they ok you will be able to add a clown fish they are hardy to the damsle are territory fish to when you will add in the future other fish they need be bigger then them because they will attack them even if you have a lot of space in your tank and it's going to be hard to get rid of them .by the way if you want to run good tank for the long road so it will be the best to add fish to your system after the cycle done and you make the water change and always to add fish slowly to the tank give them the time to acclimate with the exist fish in the tank and after one or 2 week to add one more for sensitive fish like tang it will be the best to add after the tank establish ( about 6 month ) if you do this quick and rush your tank can crash .


I think they would do ok, but like the poster above says, they can be a little agressive, really bad fin nippers :happyfish


Active Member
If you want two dominos, come over to my house and tank them from my tank. They are too aggressive for me and very hard to remove. When / If I set up another tank which will probably be fish only, I will probably get a few damsels because they can be so colorful. However, they are not working in my reef when my other fish are peaceful.


New Member
Damsels should be called Devils
...They are aggressive and will stress your future inhabitants...I would not have added them in the beginning if I had been warned. After 3 hours of fishing I am left with 1 of 6 in my tank, he hid in the rock and survived being out of water.


I have heard that domino damsels are very mean and aggressive. However, the chromis (spelling), seem to be more docile. I have a couple, and they seem to be doing fine with the other guys in the tank.


Damsels are very aggressive. I have a 3 stripe and he's an ass. He's only about 2 inches long but he thinks he's king of the tank. My velvet damsel isn't like that he's nice and calm until the 3 stripe starts his crap. And I have tried to get him out of my tank and after 2 hours I gave up. Clown fish are a lot better choice.