domino damsel


domino damsel has been paling for last week, no spots or fungus on body, just getting paler as if skin is losing pigment. Anyone know what the problem is or what action to take. Still eats, still protective of area. 55 gal, skimmer and emperor 280 with bio wheel. 45lbs lr, 20lbs ls. yellow tail damsel, yellow tang, marroone clown. 3 peppermint shimp, assorted hermits and snails. two feather dusters, assorted mushrooms, waving hand coral and yellow colony polyps. Any help would be appreciated.


Staff member
Noticed any harrassment going on? What are you feeding the fish? At feeding time, is the damsel getting bullied out of his share of food?
How long have you had him?


actually the domino is the bully. Had him about 4mos. oldest one in the tank. Feed combination of flake and frozen brine shimp plus, seaweed and romaine lettuce everything is soak in garlic each day.


Staff member
Well, color changes in damsels are not unusal, especially if the fish is young. I would suggest that you vary the fish's diet more. You might even try offering fresh seafood to your fish. But, if not that, then get a more frozen food variety in that selection. As a supplement, you can try Zoe.
If breathing is normal, body tissue in good shape, fins in tact, etc., there is likely nothing wrong with the fish. Keep an eye on him and see if something develops.