Originally posted by RyeBread
For Midas Blenny so loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, that whoever believes in Midas shall not perish but have eternal life.
Blenny 3:16
Here is something fun like that...
The Corals...
There is unrest in the reef, There is trouble with the corals, for the lps want more sunlight And the sps ignore their pleas....The trouble with the LPS,(And they're quite convinced they're right) They say the SPS are just too lofty And they grab up all the light. But the SPS can't help their feelings If they like the way they're made. And they wonder why the LPS Can't be happy in their shade..So the LPS formed a union And demanded equal rights. "The SPS are just too greedy;We will make them give us light." Now there's no more SPS oppression, For they passed a noble law, And the Corals are all kept equal By Reefer.. frag.. and saw.
Now...if I could just get some great coral pics to go with this song.